What Exactly Is Women's Day, And What Momentum Can It Take?

ACV-CSCASIA.ORG, JAKARTA – This is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal point in the women’s rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and harassment against women .

Maria Emeninta, ACV CSC Regional Coordinator said that violence against women and inequality still occur in various places today.

“Women still need to motivate themselves to be active, then gather support from all parties to improve the situation.” said Maria.

Many countries have their own problems with different assessments. However, it is still very clear that the problem is still everywhere and is becoming more serious in the era of digital innovation and technological progress, to find ways for women to play a strong role as men.

“This must also refer to workplaces where women experience a lot of discrimination, threats and opportunities, low access to skills and career development because of their feminist abilities which should not be compared to men.” Obviously.

IWD is a momentum to reflect and strategize, in further efforts we can do by spreading the same spirit that positive change is possible.***