ACV-CSCIASIA.ORG, JAKARTA – Maria Emeninta, ACV-CSCI Asia Regional Coordinator said that it is important to encourage change efforts towards improving business and human rights issues for the government, business world and society in Indonesia.
“Through the PRISMA application, which is only voluntary, it can be upgraded to mandatory. By creating a pilot project that is monitored nationally and locally. And then the government can make national regulations if possible.” said Maria Emeninta when she was a speaker at the Sectoral Mapping Workshop on Business and Human Rights issues in Indonesia initiated by the Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace in Jakarta on Monday (15/07/2024).
On this occasion, Maria Emeninta explained the dynamics of fulfilling workers’ rights as an effort to realize responsible business in Indonesia. He started by saying that Presidential Regulation (PERPRES) Number 60 of 2023 concerning the National Strategy for Business and Human Rights is an opportunity for a more dignified Indonesia.

This Presidential Decree regulates the National Strategy for Business and Human Rights (Stranas BHAM) by setting limits on the terms used in its regulation. BHAM National Strategy arrangements include:
1) the obligations of ministries/institutions and Regional Governments to protect human rights in business activities;
2) the responsibility of Business Actors to respect Human Rights; And
3) access to redress for victims of alleged human rights violations in business activities. To carry out the implementation of the BHAM National Strategy, the National Business and Human Rights Task Force (GTN BHAM) was formed.
Then what is the correlation for labor unions, according to Maria Emeninta, is human rights. He explained that KSBSI together with ACV/SCSi Asia under ITUC had studied and carried out a series of seminars or research activities on Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) since 2010.
Maria said that the most important thing for workers is that this issue must be targeted at all companies and be mandatory through company structures and business relationships. National recognition that labor rights are human rights. There is a complaints and resolution mechanism in the workplace. Then there is monitoring and sanctions. Then there must be accountability, namely regarding recovery and compensation. Then it is related to the burden of proof and the involvement of worker/labor unions.
Present at the workshop included representatives from the palm oil sector labor union (JAPBUSI), the FSB KAMIPARHO fisheries sector. FARKES. Youth Representatives, Farmers and Fishermen representatives, Migran Care. (RED/Handi)