To Increase Social Dialogue, FSB Kamiparho and KPN Corp Sign a Mutual Agreement

To Increase Social Dialogue, FSB Kamiparho and KPN Corp Sign a Mutual Agreement

From left to right: Sutrisna Deputy for Consolidation, Sulistri Acting Chairman of the DPP FSB Kamiparho, Supardi Sekjen DPP FSB Kamiparho, Memed Kosasih as Corporate Head of KPN Corp, Elly Rosita Silaban President of KSBSI and Maria Emeninta Coordinator of IIWE. (Photo: Document of Kamiparho FSB DPP)

In an effort to improve Social Dialogue and industrial relations that are harmonious and just, FSB KAMIPARHO (Federation of Food, Beverage, Tourism, Restaurant, Hotel and Tobacco Workers Unions) signed a joint agreement with Karunia Prima Nastari Corporations (KPN CORP). The signing was carried out at the Westin Kuningan Hotel, Jakarta, Friday (26/2/2021).

Secretary General of the FSB Kamiparho, Supardi said, this collective agreement is a form of commitment of the two parties to realize constructive and sustainable industrial relations. In addition, this MOU is a persuasive effort to minimize the impact of Covid-19 in industrial oil palm plantations. Especially the KPN Corp area and specifically for Kamiparho member workers.

“Yes, basically social dialogue is effective when the company has established constructive and sustainable industrial relations, there is TRUST between the union and the company as a professional partner,” he said.

There are four points in the collective agreement, including:

  1. Ensuring continuity, peace of business and comfort at work and smooth running of business.
  2. Ensure that there are no barriers to freedom of association for FSB members. KAMIPARHO throughout the Group of Companies gifted Prima Nastari Corporations (KPN CORP) as mandated by Law Number 21 of 2000 concerning Workers Unions / Labor Unions.
  3. Encouraging the creation of a Collective Labor Agreement between Karunia Prima Nastari Corporations (KPN CORP) and the FSB. KAMIPARHO in each partner company that has been regulated in Law Number 13 of 2003 Article 1 paragraph (21) concerning Collective Labor Agreement (PKB).
  4. Carry out the process of making a Collective Labor Agreement (PKB) which refers to the applicable labor regulations.

The signing of the agreement was represented by Supardi as Secretary General of FSB Kamiparho, and Memed Kosasih as Corporate Head of KPN Corp representing the central management or Head Office.

The signing was witnessed by the President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions Elly Rosita Silaban and IIWE Coordinator Maria Emeninta. Sulistri also attended as Plt. Chairman of the DPP FSB Kamiparho, and Sutrisna, Deputy for Consolidation of the DPP FSB Kamiparho.

“It takes commitment, hard work and trust between the two parties. It is a very long process to get to this stage, ”said Supardi.

In the future, Supardi hopes that TRUST, which is established between labor unions and companies, can increase business productivity and workers’ welfare.