Benchmarking CBA PT. Ching Luh Indonesia

Profile PT. Ching Luh Indonesia

PT. Ching Luh Indonesia is a Taiwanese PMA company which operates in the field of making shoes under the NIKE brand and is located in Cikupa Tangerang.

PT. Ching Luh Indonesia whose address is JI. Raya Serang Km 16, Talagasari Village, Cikupa District, Tangerang Regency, Banten with Deed of Notary Enna Rabita, S.H., M.Kn. Number 01 on the 14th
October 2020.

(production of NIKE and ADIDAS brand shoes)

Best & Bad Practices of Freedom of Association

Best Practice:
Article 5 paragraph 2b: Will not intimidate either directly or indirectly in connection with his functions and duties as a member, administrator or functionary of a Trade Union/Trade Union.
Article 7 paragraph 2: In the implementation of FOA (Freedom Of Association) items. For the provision of free duty, to support the smooth operation of SP / SB and synchronization of priority scale, the chairman of SP / SB can take a portion for the free task.
Article 7 paragraph 3: Employers will grant dispensation to workers / workers who are members, administrators or appointed to attend meetings, deliberations or congresses or conferences, labor education, seminars and activities of Trade Unions / Trade Unions (SP / SB) with full wages.
Employers help deduct contributions for Trade Unions / Trade Unions (SP / SB) in accordance with the provisions regulated in Kepmenakertrans number 187 / MEN / X / 2004 concerning Trade Union / Trade Union Dues.
Article 7 paragraph 9: Trade Unions / Trade Unions can install the flag of the Trade Union / Trade Union organization, side by side with the Red and White flag, the Company flag, and the K3 flag.
Every Trade Union Member who will leave the membership of the organization concerned follows the following procedure: a. Must come directly W1g himself to the Trade Union / Trade Union office without being represented by other workers. b. It is required that the Chairman and or Management of the Trade Union / Trade Union who is free from duty or who is given a mandate, has the right to sign a Resignation Letter. c. Obtain a Resignation Letter from the relevant Trade Union/Trade Union. d. Trade Unions are prohibited from making resignation difficult. e. If you do not follow the procedure, it will be null and void.
Article 11: 2 Workers / Workers who pass the admission selection are given orientation by the company team about the introduction of the company, the rights and obligations of workers / workers, working conditions, rules, collective labor agreements, concern for K3LE (Safety, Occupational Health, Environment, and Energy), other facilities received by workers: / new workers, provision of identification cards and attendance cards and / or working time recording devices and

signing of a work agreement letter and introduction of SP/SB by each relevant SP/SB administrator. Orientation is carried out 3 working days according to the needs of the company.

2. Best & Bad Practices on Wages
2.1. Article 38 paragraph 2b point ii: The amount of service allowance is as follows:
Length of Service (Employer Submission) Value
1 Year Rp 8.000
2 Years Rp 12.000
3 Years Rp 16.000
4 Years Rp 20.000
5 Years Rp 24.000
6 Years Rp 28.000
7 Years Rp 32.000
8 Years Rp 36.000
9 Years Rp 40.000
10 Years Rp 44.000
11 Years Rp 48.000
12 Years Rp 52.000
13 Years Rp 56.000
14 Years Rp 60.000
15 Years Rp 64.000
2.2. Article 38 paragraph 3b: Transport allowance for shift III (night) The allowance given to Workers/Laborers who work on night shifts is Rp. 2,500, x Total work of Shift III (night).
2.3. Article 38 paragraph 5a: Work skill bonuses are given with the aim of being an additional reward for productive Work Groups in order to continuously increase work productivity.
2.4. Article 43 paragraph 2: The amount of benefits provided to Workers / Workers is regulated based on their length of service as follows:
For Staff A/Team Member:
Working Period :
Holiday Allowance Value Less than 1 Month : Based on company discretion
More than 1 month less than 1 year : Principal + Fixed Allowance
1 year to < 3 years: Calculated professionally, namely: (Working Period / 12) X Salary
1 month Upan + Additional 10% X Wages
3 years to <6 years
1 month Wages + Additional 15% X Wages
6 years onwards 1 month Wages + Additional 20% X Wages

For Staff B/Group Leader and above:
Period of Service
Holiday Allowance Value
Less than 1 month
At the discretion of the company
More than 1 month less than 1 year
Principal + Fixed Allowance
1 year to < 3 years
Calculated proportionally, namely: (Working Period / 12) x Salary
1 month Wages + Additional 10% X Wages
3 years to < 6 years
1 month Wages + Additional 15% X Wages
6 years onwards 1 month Wages + Additional 2-% X Wages
Wages = Base Salary + Tunj. Fixed (Tunj. Position & Expertise and Tunj. tenure).
2.5. Article 71:4c c. Reimbursement of housing and treatment and care is set at 15% (fifteen hundredths) of severance pay and/or service award money for those who qualify
Remarks: This point comes from Law no. 13 which is missing from the current Cipta Keja Law

3. Best and Bad Practices on Social Security
3.1. Article 45:2d: Pension Insurance (JP) I. Contributions are borne by workers and companies. II. Amount of contribution: – Worker/Laborer I % x monthly wage (Basic wage + Fixed Allowance) – Company 2% x monthly wage (Basic Wage + Fixed Allowance) Note: The provisions for the limit of pension security wages on which the calculation is based follow the applicable implementation provisions.
3.2. Article 45:2 e Job Loss Insurance (JKP) Job Loss Insurance (JKP) is social security in the form of cash, counseling, labor market information, and training for workers / workers who experience termination of employment (PHK). The JKP program is intended for BPJS participants who have a minimum retirement period of 12 months in the last 24 months and pay contributions for 6 consecutive months before layoffs. The terms of layoffs received are not caused by: resignation, retirement, permanent total disability, death, PKWT workers whose work period ends according to the term of their work contract. The provisions of claims and other mechanisms related to JKP are in accordance with the regulations regulated in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

4. Best Practices on Gender

1. Every pregnant female worker is required to report her pregnancy to the inhouse clinic to be examined by the company’s midwife and will be given a pregnant woman card that must be used by workers during work until it is time to give birth.
2. Pregnant workers are not allowed to work shift 2 and shift 3.
3. Pregnant workers are not allowed overtime except on the recommendation of the company doctor, the SOP is attached.
4. Pregnant workers are prohibited from doing work that is directly related to chemicals and/or exposed to noise exceeding 85 dB and/or exposed to ultraviolet light and/or exposed to high-frequency radiation.
5. Pregnant workers are prohibited from working lifting and carrying heavy loads and/or going up and down stairs and/or standing continuously.
6. The company gives sufficient time to female workers to milk.
7. The company provides a lactation corner in the form of a safe and comfortable room and its equipment in the polyclinic.

4.2. Article 27 paragraph 3: If the Worker deliberately takes the leave right too close to the time of childbirth, the remaining leave entitlement remains 1.5 (one and a half) months.

5. Best and Bad Practice on K3, including elements of Climate Change and Just Transition
Best Practice
5.1. Article 49:10 The Company applies the Golden Rules to be obeyed by all Workers without exception, while the provisions of the Golden Rules include: a. Work at height Follow the working height procedure (>1.8 m) to protect yourself from falling at height. b. Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) Installation of locking signs and removal of electrical panels, machines, elevators at the time of repair process or installation / power off, Lock Out Tag Out equipment before starting work. c. Malfunctioning Safety Equipment It is prohibited to replace, remove, remove and change the function of safety equipment without having authority. d. Lifting and Carrying Work It is prohibited to be near the area or under the lift/transport work. e. Traffic Do not use mobile phones while driving and cycling, wear seat belts and have proper driving certification. f. Restricted Area Obtain permission/authorization before entering the restricted space. g. Safe Work Permit Follow a work permit to do high-risk work. h. Hot Work Determination of the location of hot work and use of qualified tools. i. Personal Protective Equipment Use PPE that complies with SOPs and PPE usage standards Leadership Accountability Protect yourself and your colleagues at work

Article 49:12 Environmental protection The earth is the land we rely on, there is only one and is in our hands, natural environmental ecosystems affect daily life and physical and spiritual health, it is expected that all workers / workers pay attention, understand and protect the environment and environmental life we need to take care of together.
5.3. Article 53:3 Employers and Workers will not discriminate against Workers / Workers infected with HIV / AIDS in terms of occupational health services and in ha! employment relationship status.

ARTICLE 55: WORK CLOTHES 1. The company provides work clothes to all workers / workers as much as 2 pcs / year which is given every November, the distribution starts on November 1, if the 1st day is a holiday it will be given a backward date, except for workers / workers in certain parts. 2. New workers/laborers are given work clothes by the Company after passing the 3-month probationary period. 3. Every worker / laborer who gets work clothes must use work clothes in accordance with the time determined by the company. 4. Every worker/laborer who is included in the Official Organization within the company will get a special outfit (Bipartite LKS, P2K3, FOA Supervisor, PKB Negotiator). 5. The wearing of Trade Union uniforms can only be used during pickets and carrying out organizational activities such as dispensations and on certain days that have been approved by the Company.
Chapter 60:7 7. Recreation Facilities / Tourism The company carries out employee days which are carried out once a year which contains to make workers enjoy

Article 61 Awarding to employees

Article 63 Harassment and complaints procedure (full and detailed)

Article 65: (1). To reduce the emergence of disagreements on various labor issues, it is mutually agreed between employers and trade unions to hold periodic meetings. (2). The meeting is held 1 (one) time in 1 (one) month and can be held at an urgent time. 3. Who is entitled to attend periodic meetings: a. Authorized Entrepreneurs or Leaders. b. Trade Unions/Trade Unions.