ILO launches initiative for a Just Transition in Cambodia’s construction industry

Phnom Penh (ILO News) – A new International Labour Organization (ILO) initiative will promote a Just Transition in Cambodia’s construction industry. Supported by the ILO-Korea Partnership Programme (I-KORP), the initiative seeks to address critical challenges in the sector while fostering environmentally sustainable practices and enhancing labour standards. The initiative, entitled “Asia-Pacific Regional Case for Implementing […]

ILO launches initiative to strengthen labour dispute resolution in Cambodia

Phnom Penh (ILO News) — The International Labour Organization (ILO), through its ILO-Korea Partnership Programme (I-KORP) has launched a new initiative to strengthen Cambodia’s labour dispute prevention and resolution mechanisms The project, “Social Dialogue & Capacity Building for Strengthening Labour Disputes Prevention & Resolution Mechanisms,” seeks to address pressing challenges in Cambodia’s labour relations framework […]